A better life has been achieved when we are no longer trying to achieve a better life.
Creating Fear for Inspiration
If you have read or have been involved in personal development, whether it is goal-setting, time management, motivation, weight loss, or the many other categories and have not taken hold of what you desired, chances are that you’re lacking an inner drive towards that elusive goal.
How Can I Tell What Vibes I’m Sending Out?
Until you learn to use the Law of Attraction in a deliberate way, most of the time you are not aware that you are attracting into your life-more of-whatever you are giving your focus, attention, and energy to. This is referred to as non-deliberate attraction. It can be described in a 4-step cycle:
Inspired For Women
Women are unique and powerful beings in this world when wielding the truth of the heart wisdom that lives deep within. This article is a testament and tribute honoring women and calls forth more of the brilliance they have to offer the world.
No GPS for Lindbergh
Although flying from New York to Paris is no big deal today, Charles Lindbergh flew his 3,600 mile, 33 1/2 hour flight in 1927 without a telegraph, radio or Global Positioning System (GPS). In his plane, The Spirit of St. Louis, Lindbergh packed a few sandwiches, a couple canteens of water, 451 gallons of gas and a few maps. Several men had attempted to fly the same distance as Lindbergh, but failed only weeks before he made his record-setting flight. Lindbergh made a seemingly impossible journey come true.
The Embarrassment of Self Development
For a long time I yearned to improve myself; my true inner self, but something was holding me back. I made a lot of excuses back then; I didnt have time; I was too tired; I wasnt sure what direction my search should take. However, the truth was I felt embarrassed about opening myself up, especially to those close to me. All that changed when I went for a stroll along a Danish beach.
You Are The Actor or Actress Of Your Own Story
Many thinkers and writers, both past and present, have described human beings in this world as actors and actresses on a big stage, this life, to one great play. Ask yourself, what role are you playing? Who’s writing your script? Are you acting out your own story? Or are you simply going through the motions in someone else’s play?
Are we our own prisoners?
Sometimes, we are also prisoners of our thoughts and our past deeds. We also have nothing else to look forward to. We only have regrets. At least, we can do something about the conditions, but the prisoners can do nothing. Life can be depressing at times. How to inspire ourselves in such conditions?
Dont Focus on Failure
Here is some motivation for people who just feel like giving up.
How Do You Deal With Adversity
Human life is fraught with adversity — both physical and emotional — although each person’s experience varies greatly. In order to survive adversity, to overcome loss and difficulty, and to succeed in life a person must have inner resources to draw from.
In Search of Self
The human self is a temple of the Divine.
You can choose to let life flow or get stuck and just keep spinning your wheels. Each day offers a chance to look at the brighterside of life and enjoy it. Each day is a chance to be connected with your divinity. Each day heralds a new beginning. You have to be part of it.