Krispy Kreme fundraising has been helping schools, youth sports groups, and churches raise money since 1937. Krispy Kreme doughnuts are a great fundraiser. Raise money by selling fresh doughnuts. Works well for school fundraisers, churches, clubs, and youth sports teams.
School Fundraising Ideas – Part One
Looking for a good school fundraising idea? In this series, we’ll take a look at three school fundraising ideas. Part One looks at Discount Shopping Cards.
Tried and True Fundraisers
When someone is put in charge of fundraising, their first instinct is to look for something new and different. While change is great, sometimes the tried and true fundraisers work best. Thats why they are tried and true, right?
Make The Money You Need With Candle Fundraisers
Selling candles can be surprisingly effective, if done well.
School Fundraising Ideas – Part Three
Looking for a good school fundraising idea? In this series, we’ll take a look at three school fundraising ideas. Part Three looks at Prepaid Phone Cards.
Wreath Making Fundraisers
Wreath making and selling can be a fun project and a money maker for almost any organization; however it is going to take some careful planning to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Youre weekly get together group may be all in favor of making wreaths, but as with any group project, you will have members who will be at different levels of capabilities. Some members may already be proficient wreath makers, others may be rank beginners.
You will also want to decide i… Announces Official Launch With Domain Charity Raffle has announced a domain charity raffle to compliment the grand opening of its charity drive. Raffle participation is free and allows participants to contribute to a worthy cause.
School Fundraising Ideas – Part Two
Looking for a good school fundraising idea? In this series, we’ll take a look at three school fundraising ideas. Part Two looks at Pizza Cards.
Youth Group Fundraiser
Everybody wants easy fundraisers. The problem is that you also want good results. So, how do you get the best results
from an easy fundraiser?
New And Unusual Fundraising Ideas
Some new fundraising ideas. Why settle for another cookie sale or car wash?
Seeking Grant Proposals for your Fundraiser
Tips on how to write out a grant proposal and grant applications for your upcoming fundraiser.
Youth Sports Fundraising
Seven tips for improving your youth sports fundraising. Includes sample sale script, advice on high-traffic locations, product selections, and much more.