An overview of today’s current conventional breast cancer treatments written by a breast cancer survivor.
Prostate Cancer Treatment
Cancer that grows in the prostate gland is called prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the U.S. About one man in six will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, but only one man in 34 will die of the disease.
Breast Cancer Treatment: Coping With A Mastectomy
A breast cancer survivor speaks on the reality of mastectomies and strategies for coping.
Recognizing And Battling Breast Cancer
Breast cancer occurs due to the irrepressible growth of cells in the breast that invades the nearby tissues and spreads throughout the body. These collections of irrepressible growth of tissue are called tumors or malignant tumors. However, not all tumors are cancerous.
Breast cancer has been diagnosed in large numbers in North America and Europe. In 2001, about 200,000 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in the United States alone. Every woman has a 1 in 8 risk of devel…
Breast Cancer Treatment: Surviving Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is a word that strikes fear into most of our hearts. We’ve seen the movies and heard such horrible stories about undergoing this difficult treatment for a disease that could very well kill us. I underwent chemo for breast cancer, and here are some of the things I learned.
Reduce Breast Cancer By 45%!
A US study of 13,000 patients showed Tamoxifen reduced the rate of expected cancers from one in 130 to one in 236 – a cut of about 45%. The American researchers ended their trial early when they said the drug’s benefits became overwhelmingly obvious.
Other studies found that tamoxifen AND chemotherapy improved survival improved survival rates by about 4050% compared to taking one treatment or the other.
Should women taking tamoxifen avoid pregnancy?
Yes. Tamoxifen m…
Breast Cancer; Its Causes
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor developed from cells of the breast, and it is one of the most common cancers affecting females, at time has not been established what is the exact cause of this one, but last researches clearly pointing that there are several risks factors;
These are the most probably breast cancer risk factors;
Solution To Breast Cancer!
How long should a patient take tamoxifen for the treatment of breast cancer?
Patients with advanced breast cancer may take tamoxifen for varying lengths of time, depending on their response to this treatment and other factors. When used as adjuvant therapy for early stage breast cancer, tamoxifen is generally prescribed for 5 years. However, the ideal length of treatment with tamoxifen is not known.
How Often Should I Take Tamoxifen?
Two studies have confirmed the be…
Alternative breast cancer natural herbal treatment
In recent years, there’s been an explosion of life-saving treatment in an alternative way with natural and herbal medicine advances against breast cancer, bringing new hope and excitement. Instead of only one or two options, today there’s an overwhelming menu of treatment choices that fight the complex mix of cells in each individual cancer.
Breast Cancer: What Women Should Know
From relative obscurity, breast cancer has become one of the leading causes of deaths among women in the world. In 2001, about 200,000 cases of breast cancer have been reported in the United States, making it the second leading cause of cancer death in the US. It is, in fact, the most common malignancy problem that is affecting women in North America and Europe today.
But what is breast cancer and how do people get it?
Breast cancer occurs when malignant tumors in the…
The Birth Control Pill & The Breast Cancer Connection
There is only one drug in the world so well known that it’s called “the Pill.” For more than forty years, more people have taken “the Pill” than any other prescribed medicine in the world.
Sex, pregnancy, and contraception have been hot topics for millennia. It wasn’t until the U.S. government approved the birth control pill in 1960 that possibilities for contraception changed dramatically. The majority of women — and plenty of men — welcomed “the Pill”.
Antiperspirants And Breast Cancer
Most underarm antiperspirants contain as the active ingredient, Aluminium Chlorohydrate, as you will probably remember there has been controversy about Aluminium, since the 1950’s when it was a popular metal used for making cooking pots, Saucepans and Fry Pans and that it could be one of the contributing factors to Alzheimer’s, now we have another problem that could also be related to Aluminium, Breast Cancer.